Pokagon Nature Center
Steuben CountyThe Pokagon State Park Nature Center
With a variety of exhibits, the Woodland Window and a state-of-the-art auditorium, the Pokagon nature center is a must-see stop when you’re at the park. See native Indiana reptiles, amphibians and insects as well as a tiger salamander, Massassauga rattlesnake and Happy the Blanding’s turtle. There’s a live honeybee hive as well as a kid’s corner and touch table.
The Woodland Window is a favorite feature that visitors enjoy year-round. Look for woodpeckers, cardinals, blue jays, nuthatches and finches. You’ll also see squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs and the occasional deer pass by. The birdseed at the feeders is almost exclusively donated by park visitors.
During the winter months, the center has interpretive programs weekends only and daily during winter break. The summer months bring more frequent programs. Visit www.in.gov/dnr for a schedule of events. The center is open Wednesday-Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For information on the nature center, call (260) 833-3506.