Pleasant Lake Days
Everyone was sitting at table cloth covered picnic tables under a pavilion so we sat down to enjoy our lunch and there were so many friendly people there.
Pleasant Lake Days
I have been a lifelong resident of Steuben County and I have never been to Pleasant Lake Days. This year, I decided to take both Emi and Mak to the Parade and to partake in the activities at the park in the heart of Pleasant Lake. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect, but I am so glad that we went because I think this event is a little known gem that takes place during the dog days of summer.
Finding a parking place
Since I had never been to Pleasant Lake Days, I wasn’t even sure where to park. As we were driving through town, I saw someone I knew so I asked where I should park. She directed me to park behind the school, if there was room. Luckily there were still places to park, so we grabbed our blanket and found a place on the curb so the girls could see the entire parade and grab candy.
The National Anthem was played and the Parade started promptly at 11:00 a.m. led by the American Legion. The Parade continued with fire trucks and floats with most of them throwing out candy for the children. Everyone was so personable and everything had that special small town feel to it. Emi and Mak had such a great time waving at everyone and grabbing candy that the parade participants were throwing. I couldn’t believe all of the candy the girls picked up! They each had a bag full!
- Pleasant Lake Days
- Pleasant Lake Days
- Pleasant Lake Days
- Pleasant Lake Days
Pleasant Lake Park
When the Parade ended, we went to the truck to drop off the blanket and candy and then we walked down to the Pleasant Lake Park. This was again another first for me, as I had never been down to the Park. I figured we could walk, but I misjudged how far the Park was from the School and the girls got tired. We finally got to the park and the first thing we saw were the large bounce houses, but we didn’t go to them right away because free snow cones caught the girls’ attention! We stood in line and they each got to choose the flavor of their snow cone.
While the girls were enjoying their snow cones, we got in line for lunch. The line was so long that it almost scared me away, but we stuck it out. I was in shock when we got to the table. The Pleasant Lake Lion’s Club was providing hot dogs, burgers and Power’s Hamburgers, all for just a donation. I honestly couldn’t believe it. I put money in the box and got the girls each a hot dog and we made our way to the end of the table because I just had to try a Power’s Hamburger. I got one burger for myself and one to go so I could take it to Bryan at work.
Everyone was sitting at table cloth covered picnic tables under a pavilion so we sat down to enjoy our lunch and there were so many friendly people there. The girls enjoyed their hotdogs and I really enjoyed my Power’s Hamburger!
After our lunch we headed over to the bounce houses where the girls had a great time jumping around, going through the obstacle course and down the huge slide! After they were done with that, they headed over to the playground at the Park; got another snow cone and then we started our trek back to the School where our truck was parked.
We had such a great time at Pleasant Lake Days; I can’t believe it took me so long to attend this small town, family friendly and free event! Not only did I enjoy it, but the girls had a lot of fun as well. There were other events that we did not participate in like Volleyball, Dodge Ball and t-shirt decorating so those may be on the list for another year. Pleasant Lake Days will definitely be on our list of events to attend every year!