Hamilton Parks & Preserves
Robb Hidden Canyon Nature Preserve

Robb Hidden Canyon Nature Preserve
A little stream sparkles from the floor of this steep-sided canyon. Wildflowers blanket the walls of the geological wonder in a carpet of wild phlox, Virginia spring beauty and large-flowered trillium. Jewelweed, nature’s anecdote for poison ivy, is just one of the hidden treasures lining the grassy pathways and open prairie surrounding the canyon.
Other plants of note on the 87-acre property include bishop’s cap, black cohosh, rue anemone and Virginia waterleaf. Giant dragonflies and a multitude of butterflies dance through the area. Birders will be delighted by the colorful array of rose-breasted grosbeaks, indigo buntings and scarlet tangers. Leashed dogs are welcome; please pick up after them and carry all trash out. This is Hamilton park is open dawn to dusk at 425 LN 201 Ball Lake, Hamilton IN 46742
Fish Creek Trail

Fish Creek Trail
Just a stone’s throw from Robb Hidden Canyon, the trail wraps around the side of it. One wide, well-maintained trail hugs Pigeon Creek, the last refuge of white cat’s paw pearlymussel as well as two other endangered mussel species. It is said to be one of the last remaining examples of a riverine community. Other trails gently meander through wooded areas, wildlife habitats and wetlands. Many are good for walking as well as bikes and strollers.
In all, the trail encompasses just more than two miles of walking paths complete with interpretive signs. Other attractions along the trail include an amphitheater and pavilion. The trail can be accessed from many locations including Lane 201 Ball Lake and the south side of Bellefontaine Road across from Gnagy Park. The park is open dawn to dusk. Leashed dogs are welcome; please pick up after them. 3679 E. Bellefontaine Rd., Hamilton, IN 46742
Ball Lake Nature Preserve

Ball Lake Nature Preserve
This low-wetland forest offers visitors the chance to see examples of partridgeberry, marsh marigold and skunk cabbage. Many of the flora were originally carried here by glacial migration. All are welcome, but the 28.6 acre area is a bit more difficult to traverse. Open from dawn to dusk, it’s located at 180 LN 101 Ball Lake, Hamilton, IN 46742.
Douglas Woods Nature Preserve

Douglas Woods Nature Preserve
Straddling the Steuben/DeKalb county line, the deeply wooded area includes mesic and mesic upland forests, portions of Fish Creek and a rich swamp area. It’s home to a variety of animals from an active Blue Heron nesting colony to fish, salamanders, frogs and turtles. The 130-acre area has a parking lot, but is for advanced explorers as it has no trails. It’s open dawn to dusk; allow time to find your way back in the evenings before dark. To reach the area take State Road 1 southeast to the sharp curve where it turns into County Road 4A. Head east for less than half a mile. A sign on the left side of the road marks the preserve entrance/parking area. Follow the farm lane back into the woods.